ravadi kow, @good vibes live life lively, @ravadikow, Revadi Kongsuphapkul, เรวดี คงสุภาพกูล, @good vibes live life lovely, Chula Alumni, CU14 nitade, gems, ruby, saphire, pearl, temples, culture, traditional, nature, travel,,lifestyles, animals, songs.

ravadi kow, @good vibes live life lively, @ravadikow, Revadi Kongsuphapkul, เรวดี คงสุภาพกูล, @good vibes live life lovely, Chula Alumni, CU14 nitade, gems, ruby, saphire, pearl, temples, culture, traditional, nature, travel,,lifestyles, animals, songs.


Precious Stone make your eyes brighter than the glass you wear. What is this stone?, why it has a good price? Find the result.

ravadi, ravadi kow, เรวดี คงสุภาพกุล, good vibes, nitade, gems & jewelry, ruby, sapphires, jade, วัดไทย, temples, humen being.

Ruby ทับทิม and so on.

Ruby ทับทิม and so on.

You will know about the precious stone clearly such as diamond, jade, green sapphire, yellow sapphire, pink sapphire, pearl and so on.

Religion and religion activities, Tradition, Travel, Lifestyle

Thai culture, religion and tradition such as Kathin.

Thai travelling places in any provinces.

The South of Thailand  Betong, Yala, Pattani, Songkhla, Hadyai.

And so on.

Lifestyle. How ..Why....When ....to be.?



SHORT VedioKHON, Why is your destination?, Forests are the world's air conditioning system, Mental Health Happy here, and so on.

The short vedio in entertainment, situations, the amazing programs and so on.

The biggest fortune and protect monk for people to pay respect

The biggest fortune and protect monk for people to pay respect

Any Occasions in the world that be interested and meanful.

Important places.

Special Events.

By nature.

By chance.

And so on.